Jose M. Ayuso Dominguez, PhD

Position title: Assistant Professor, Dermatology Research Laboratories

image of Jose Ayuso

Research Laboratory
Ayuso Laboratory Page

Research Interests
Our research focuses on studying human disease using advanced in vitro platforms that mimic the in vivo architecture and tissue microphysiology. We use these novel technologies to study multiple diseases, including cancer, genetic diseases, and human-pathogen interactions.

All Inquiries: Dermatology Research Laboratories

BS (Biochemistry) Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, 2010.
MS (Biophysics) Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain, 2012.
PhD (Biomedical Engineering) University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, 2016.

Fellowship/Postdoctoral training
Morgridge Institute for Research, Madison, WI, USA.
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA.

Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

PubMed Publications (external link)

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